Keep cooking simple

Plan, Buy & Prepare delicous recipes, with just one app!


Who we are

NatsBerry® is built by our desire to share delicious food with who we love.

Make cooking tasks easier, from planning your weelky menu, buying groceries, recieve them at home & cooking for your loved ones.

Our platform has connected with more than 75 associates who share their recepies and weekly menus, with the objective to feed with love, and maintain variety to offer you new and delicious recipes daily.

Wide variety of recipes by categories

Weekly planner in minutes

Pre-established menus

Your weekly menu at your doorstep

Same price as your selected store

Save time, money & effort

Avoid food waste

App totaly free

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What you save, saves us

NatsBerry® App will let you know how much you contributed to our environment by reducing waste, CO2 emissions and water. US households waste billion pounds of food per year. Approximately 40 to 50% of food waste.

In the US, an average person wastes 238 pounds of food per year (21% of the food they buy), costing them $1,800 per year.

NatsBerry® eliminates all these major contributors: spoilage, over-preparing, date label confusion, overbuying and poor planning.

Do you create and share recipes?


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